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Jewish Holidays 2025/2026 (5786)

Jewish Holidays 2025/2026 (5786) - New York

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Holiday Date Start End
Rosh Hashanah (First day)Mon. 22th September in the evening18:3419:32
Rosh Hashanah (Second day)Tue. 23th September in the evening19:3219:30
Fast of GedaliahThu. 25th September05:2619:21
Yom KippurWed. 1st October in the evening18:1919:17
SukkotMon. 6th October in the evening18:1119:09
Sukkot (2nd day)Tue. 7th October in the evening19:0919:07
Hoshana RabbahSun. 12th October in the evening
Shmini AtzeretMon. 13th October in the evening18:0018:58
Simchas TorahTue. 14th October in the evening18:5818:57
Chanuka (1st day)Sun. 14th December in the evening17:07
Chanuka (2nd day)Mon. 15th December in the evening17:07
Chanuka (3rd day)Tue. 16th December in the evening17:08
Chanuka (4th day)Wed. 17th December in the evening17:08
Chanuka (5th day)Thu. 18th December in the evening17:08
Chanuka (6th day)Fri. 19th December in the evening15:34
Chanuka (7th day)Sat. 20th December in the evening17:17
Chanuka (8th day)Sun. 21th December in the evening17:10
Fast of the 10th of TevetTue. 30th December05:5217:15
Tu BiShvatSun. 1st February in the evening
Fast of EstherMon. 2nd March05:0818:22
PurimMon. 2nd March in the evening
PesachWed. 1st April in the evening19:0220:04
Pesach (2nd day)Thu. 2nd April in the evening20:0420:05
Chol Hamoed PesachFri. 3th April in the evening
Chol Hamoed PesachSat. 4th April in the evening
Chol Hamoed PesachSun. 5th April in the evening
Chol Hamoed PesachMon. 6th April in the evening
Pesach (7th day)Tue. 7th April in the evening19:0920:10
Pesach (8th day)Wed. 8th April in the evening20:1020:12
Pesach SheniThu. 30th April in the evening
Lag BaOmerMon. 4th May in the evening
Omer CountdownWed. 20th May in the evening
Shavuot EveThu. 21th May in the evening19:5421:01
Shavuot (2nd day)Fri. 22th May in the evening19:5421:02
Fast of the 17th of TammuzThu. 2nd July03:4121:12
Fast of the 9th of AvWed. 22th July in the evening20:2020:59 Account

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Friday February 14th, 2025 at 17:12 *
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