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General Terms of Use

Before accessing this Site, please read carefully the following General Terms of Use.


The following General Terms of Use aim to define the Site’s Terms of Use, accessible through, which the TOV LI association provides to its users.

Hosting and Editor’s Information

In accordance with the articles 6-III and 19 of the Trust in Numerical Economy legislation, we inform you that:

  • This website is edited by:

    TOV LI
    BP 42041
    69603 Villeurbanne - France
    Email address: [email protected] - Number : +33 1 80 91 62 91
    Siret number : 51146815900021

  • The publishing director is:

    M. Binyamin BENHAMOU

  • The provider securing the hosting is:

    2 Kellermann street 59100 Roubaix - France
    Siret number : 42476141900045 - TVA number : FR 22 424 761 419


The following defined terms are part of the present General Terms of Use :

  • User: refers to any physical person accessing the site in a private context;

  • Serveur: refers to a computer hosting an application software and owning a great quantity of disk space where files are stored ;

  • Services: refers to the services offered by the Site ;

  • The Website: The interactive electronic service published and operated by the Association accessible at from which the Association allows access to its services;

  • The Association: TOV LI.

Agreement of General Terms of Use

The present General Terms of Use manage any use of the services provided on this Site. Consultation of the Site relies on the unreserved acceptance of these Terms of Use by the user, by simply connecting to the Site.

The Site reserves the right to modify these Terms of Use any time and without prior notice.

The User is to comply to these modifications as soon as they are posted.


The Site is protected by the provisions related to the protection of intellectual property rights, related to literary and artistic property, copyrights and the protection of databases. Thus, any unauthorized reproduction or distribution of commercial or brand names, text and images available on the site is strictly forbidden under penalty of prosecution.

The content of this Site is reserved to private and non-collective use. The code of intellectual property authorizes --under the terms of article L122-5, on the one hand, only "copies or reproductions strictly reserved for private use of the copyist and not intended for collective use" and, on the other hand, analyzes and succinct quotations, used as examples for personal use, pursuant to the terms of Article L342-3.

The databases owned by the Site producer or owner, in part or in full, are legally protected. By accessing or using the site, you fully acknowledge the aforesaid ownership and must comply with the provisions of the law related to the use of databases, and not exceed the normal conditions of use of the site.

Any use of the trade names, trademarks and logos of this site, particularly those related to The Site or held by its partners is prohibited without the authorization of the owners of these rights.

Exploitation of the Content of the site

The use of information and services offered on the site is left to the discretion of users of the Site and under their full responsibility. The Site cannot and will not in any way take responsibility related to the content or the interpretation of information, the consequences of use of the aforesaid information, nor the use of services offered on the site.

The information published on the Site cannot be free of typographical errors or omissions. The Site cannot be held responsible for errors or flaws that may be identified on the site or for any loss or damage arising from these errors.

Hypertext Links

The Site contains hypertext links to other Internet websites, enabling access to services.

The Site cannot be held responsible for the content of these websites, directly or indirectly, as the Site has no control over them.


The Site may use cookies, intended to store information in the memory of the user's computer. These cookies do not contain confidential information under any circumstance.

Cookies only serve as markers to record the pages visited by the user. The user has the option to prevent the use of cookies by changing his browser's software options on the Internet on his computer. Prohibiting the use of cookies may cause malfunctions in the use of services.

Illegal Content

The Site reserves the right to delete or modify any content (before or after it is posted) that is not related to normally expected content, that infringes upon the editorial line of the site, or that is legally questionable. To this end, the Site is entitled to carry out electronic surveillance to identify the contentious content, and to exclude or exert sanctions upon its author.

Any user action targeting to directly or indirectly harm another user of the Site, is strictly prohibited; this includes disrupting or modifying the service or carrying out an action to restrict or prevent its use. Installing files or viruses intended to disrupt or destroy software or hardware on the site or via the site's programs, are obviously prohibited.

Access and Availability of Services

The Services are freely and exclusively available online on the Site.

The Website makes optimal efforts to make its Services available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, independently of the maintenance operations of the aforesaid services and/or servers and/or the site.

As such, the Site is only bound by an obligation of means.

The Site reserves the right to modify, interrupt, temporarily or definitively, all or any part of the services on offer without prior notice to its users; users are not entitled to seek any type of compensation, resulting from the above.

Use of information, software analysis and freedoms

The information solicited from the Site's Users is utilized to be put at the disposal of other users within the framework of the Site's Services.Certain informational details are required by the services offered by the Site, as specified on the site's forms by an * Asterix or in relevant error messages.

The Website is committed not to make use of the information at its disposal; it will not be transferred to third parties for commercial purposes.

Information Related to the Site

The persons concerned by the processing of personal information related to the site. The Site benefits from the rights to access, modification, rectification and deletion of relevant data (article 34 of the French law "Informatique et Libertés"). January 6, 1978).

CNIL Declaration

This site has been declared to the CNIL. Under Article 27 of Law No. 78-17 of 6 January 1978 related to data, files and freedoms; the user has the right to access, rectify, modify and delete his personal information.

To exercise this right, users may contact [email protected] Account

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