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 I am Single and I am only Introduced to Unfit Guys

I am Single and I am only Introduced to Unfit Guys

Couple - Nathalie SEYMAN

Question: "I'm 31 years old and single. So far, so good ... except that people in my circle keep “wonderful” introducing me with men that are unsuitable . "

Educating Children

You Reap the Kids that You Sow

You Reap the Kids that You Sow

Campaign #3: You Reap the Kids that You Sow

How to Prepare our Children for Rosh Hashanah

How to Prepare our Children for Rosh Hashanah

Women - 'Haya Esther SMIETANSKI

As we approach Rosh Hashanah, we of course want to do Teshuva, so that we will find ourselves on Rosh Hashanah in front of the Master of the world having accumulated as...

Education-Action Leading to Love

Education-Action Leading to Love

Educating Children - Rav Harry DAHAN

We all know that when a man performs a mitzvah zealously, he is driven by an inner fire burning in his heart. A less well-known rule sustains that the opposite is also...

Family Purity

The Jewish Couple: A Circle and a Line

The Jewish Couple: A Circle and a Line

Family Purity - Myriam H.

Couple relationships constitute one of the most controversial topics of debate and discussion, regardless of religion, ethnicity, era, ideology or generation. How is it...

Educate a Child According to His Path...and With Love!

Educate a Child According to His Path...and With Love!

Family Purity - Rav Emmanuel BOUKOBZA

It is written in Mishlei (Ecclesiastes 22,6): חנוך לנער על פי דרכו, meaning: "Educate each child according to his way".

10 Tips to Stop Sibling Rivalry

10 Tips to Stop Sibling Rivalry

There is no doubt that all parents want to see their children love and respect each other. Indeed, this is exactly what our Heavenly Father asks of us: "My son, what am...


You Will Also Become a Mother-In-Law Someday

You Will Also Become a Mother-In-Law Someday

Couple - Lea NABET

One day, a young girl I was coaching for marriage walked in with a sour face.- Is everything fine?

Couple: Vexation and... Reconciliation

Couple: Vexation and... Reconciliation

Couple - Rebbetzin Esther TOLEDANO

"Why didn't you answer the phone? I called a dozen times. You must have seen my number appear on the screen. You couldn't answer me just for a moment?"

Shalom Bayit: The Small Things Count

Shalom Bayit: The Small Things Count

15-minute video class given by Rav Binyamin BITENSKY.

Honoring Parents

The Wheel Turns, You Will Also be a Father…

The Wheel Turns, You Will Also be a Father…

When, after years of doubt, effort and perseverance, there is a sincere and constructive Teshuva, we want to share it with other members of the family. But how should we...

"My Dear Grandma, You're Still the Most Beautiful in My Eyes"

"My Dear Grandma, You're Still the Most Beautiful in My...

Honoring Parents - Lea NABET

Some time ago, I was traveling to Paris for a cousin's wedding. Taking advantage of the opportunity, I visited my grandmother who, having had a bad fall two years ago,...

Halacha: My Father Is Calling Me, but I Am Busy?

Halacha: My Father Is Calling Me, but I Am Busy?

When you take part in an important work meeting and you see on the screen of your phone that one of your parents is calling you, you have an obligation to answer them....


Emuna & Bitachon: Nurturing Emuna

Emuna & Bitachon: Nurturing Emuna

11-minute video class given by Rebbetzin Rachel Rudman. Account

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Weekly Parsha


Candle Lighting Candle Lighting - New York

Friday February 14th, 2025 at 17:12 *
Shabbat ends at 18:13 *
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* Times given as an indication, check the times of your community

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