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Rav Binyamin BITENSKY
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Rav Binyamin BITENSKY

Rav Binyamin BITENSKY

Classes List (65)

I Can Respect Everyone

Wednesday December 1st, 2021
Jewish Thinking video

Yom Kippur: Make a Difference

Sunday November 14th, 2021
Jewish Thinking video

The 10 Days of Teshuva: I Am the Starting Point

Wednesday November 10th, 2021
Jewish Thinking video

In Our Times The Synagogue Can Replace the Beit Hamikdash

Sunday November 7th, 2021
Beit Hamikdash video

Rosh Hashanah: Choose Life

Tuesday November 2nd, 2021
Jewish Thinking video

A Positive Approach to the New Year

Monday November 1st, 2021
Jewish Thinking video

Entering The Gates of Repentance

Tuesday October 26th, 2021
Jewish Thinking video

Elul: Don't Take The U-Turn At The Gateway of Repentance

Monday October 11th, 2021
Jewish Thinking video

Shalom Bayit: The Small Things Count

Tuesday September 28th, 2021
Jewish Thinking video

Shalom Bayit: Smiling Is Giving

Monday September 20th, 2021
Jewish Thinking video

Our Need for the Beit Hamikdash

Sunday September 19th, 2021
Fast of the 9th of Av video

Shalom Bayit: Connecting to Each Other

Wednesday August 18th, 2021
Couple video

Around the Chabbath Table: Korach

Friday August 13th, 2021
Korach video

Introduction to Shalom Bayit

Sunday August 8th, 2021
Couple video

Shalom Bayit: The Importance of Compliments

Wednesday June 23th, 2021
Couple video

Don't Tease - Even Your Friend

Wednesday June 9th, 2021
Jewish Thinking video

Share Yourself With Others

Monday June 7th, 2021
Jewish Thinking video

We Are The Chosen Nation

Monday May 31th, 2021
Jewish Thinking video

Teaching Good Attributes To Our Children

Monday May 10th, 2021
Jewish Thinking video

Believing in Ourselves

Wednesday April 21th, 2021
Jewish Thinking video

Compromising in Marriage

Monday April 19th, 2021
Jewish Thinking video

The Power of Encouragement in Chinuch

Tuesday April 13th, 2021
Jewish Thinking video

The Power of Erev Shabbat

Wednesday April 7th, 2021
Jewish Thinking video

Bal Tashrit: Do Not Waste!

Tuesday March 30th, 2021
Jewish Thinking video

A Fathers Opportunity Seder Night

Tuesday March 23th, 2021
Passover video

Bringing Happiness Into Our Homes

Monday March 22th, 2021
Jewish Thinking video

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Weekly Parsha

Matot - Masei

Candle Lighting Candle Lighting - New York

Friday August 2nd, 2024 at 19:51 *
Shabbat ends at 20:55 *
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* Times given as an indication, check the times of your community
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