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Torah-Box & You

Urgent: Help 12 Orphans Who Lost Their Father Due to a Medical Negligence

Urgent: Help 12 Orphans Who Lost Their Father Due to a...

Monday September 6th, 2021

Jerusalem, June 27th 2018Dear friends,We would like to appeal to your generosity for a pressing matter which greatly moved us.Moshe is a young 22-year-old man, the 6th...

Ten Recommendations on Health by Rabbi Steinman z”l

Ten Recommendations on Health by Rabbi Steinman z”l

Monday August 2nd, 2021

1.A young Bahur (yeshiva student) having to undergo difficult and life-threatening surgery, addressed a question to Rav Aharon Leib Steinman: "How could he strengthen...

Torah-Box is coming to Florida!

Torah-Box is coming to Florida!

Monday December 2nd, 2019

Torah-Box is coming to Florida! Join us as we discuss Torah-Box’s involvement in bringing Jews back to their roots. For more information, please email...

Tefila of The Shelach Hakadosh

Tefila of The Shelach Hakadosh

Rabbi Isaiah Halevi Horowitz, nicknamed the “Shelach Hakadosh”, wrote a magnificent prayer so that Hashem would bless couples with descendants faithful to...

Watch out! Torah-Box WhatsApp Group switches its phone number

Watch out! Torah-Box WhatsApp Group switches its phone...

Wednesday January 30th, 2019

Sign up for WhatsApp messages from Torah-Box Click here: and tap the number to add it to your contacts. 1. Save the contact as 'Torah-Box.

Join Torah-Box on WhatsApp!

Join Torah-Box on WhatsApp!

Monday June 25th, 2018

WhatsApp allows nearly one billion people to communicate for free through their mobile phone. Connect your phone to Torah!   Join Torah-Box on WhatsApp! Join...

Ten Recommendations on Health by Rabbi Steinman z”l

Ten Recommendations on Health by Rabbi Steinman z”l

Tuesday April 17th, 2018

1.    A young Bahur (yeshiva student) having to undergo difficult and life-threatening surgery, addressed a question to Rav Aharon Leib Steinman: "How... Account

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Candle Lighting Candle Lighting - New York

Friday February 14th, 2025 at 17:12 *
Shabbat ends at 18:13 *
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* Times given as an indication, check the times of your community

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