The Quest for Happiness in the Context of Parshat Teruma
Parashat Teruma rounds off the exodus and liberation of the children of Israel, which began with their departure from Egypt. Later, the gift of the Torah and the ten...
Teruma: Contemplating What We Create
Rabbi Lord Jonathan SACKS
The behavioural economist Dan Ariely did a series of experiments on what is known as the IKEA effect, or “why we overvalue what we make.” The name comes, of...
Teruma: Fighting Against Laziness
Rabbi Yehonasan GEFEN
The Parsha begins with Hashem instructing Moshe Rabbeinu to tell the people to bring the raw materials necessary in order to build the Mishkan (tabernacle).
5 Facts About Parshat Teruma that You (Maybe) Didn’t Know
Eytan Yéhouda DZIKOWSKI
Discover and learn every week, "5 Facts" written on the weekly Parshah that you can share at your Shabbos table.
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Shabbat ends at 17:42 *
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Candle Lighting - New York
Friday January 17th, 2025 at 16:38 *Shabbat ends at 17:42 *
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* Times given as an indication, check the times of your community