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Rav Gabi KRUSKAL - Page 2
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Biography of Rav Gabi KRUSKAL

Rabbi Gabi Kruskal studied 8 years at Yeshivat Mir in Jerusalem, under the guidance of Hagaon Rabbi Asher Arieli . He then received his semicha from Hagaon Rabbi Yizchack Berkovitz of the Jerusalem Kollel (where he currently teaches), and also from the Badatz and the Rabbanut. He has been giving popular shiurim for over 10 years to groups of both men and women in various neighbourhoods around Jerusalem.Additionally he gives shiurim on a daily basis at the Jerusalem Kollel where he also serves as a Rosh Chabura, and in local seminaries.He also speaks internationally giving halacha shiurim in the England and the United States.

Classes List (69)

Am I Allowed to Brush My Teeth on Shabbat?

Friday May 28th, 2021
Halacha Time video

Praying Next to a Baby With a Dirty Diaper

Wednesday May 26th, 2021
Halacha Time video

I Didn't Sleep Last Night: Obligated to Say Birkat HaShachar?

Monday April 19th, 2021
Halacha Time video

Bitul Beshishim: Cancelling a Non-Kosher Food

Sunday April 11th, 2021
Halacha Time video

Drinking Milk with Chalot Baked in a Meaty Oven

Wednesday April 7th, 2021
Halacha Time video

Can I Look Inside a Shop's Window on Shabbat?

Friday April 2nd, 2021
Halacha Time video

The Blessing Over a Rainbow

Wednesday March 31th, 2021
Halacha Time video

Which Prayers Does a Woman Have to Pray?

Tuesday March 23th, 2021
Halacha Time video

I Cut an Onion With a Meaty Knife

Monday March 15th, 2021
Halacha Time video

Should a Woman Recite the Gomel Blessing After She Gave Birth?

Sunday March 7th, 2021
Halacha Time video

I Recited the Weekday Amida on Shabbat...

Friday February 26th, 2021
Halacha Time video

The Bracha to Recite When One’s Son Becomes Bar Mitzvah

Tuesday February 23th, 2021
Halacha Time video

Can a Sephardi Listen to An Ashkenazi Kiddush?

Thursday February 4th, 2021
Halacha Time video

Wearing a Belt During Tefila

Tuesday February 2nd, 2021
Halacha Time video

Basic Principles of Birkat Hamazon

Sunday January 31th, 2021
Halacha Time video

Can a Non-Jew Turn on the Heater on Shabbat?

Friday January 8th, 2021
Halacha Time video

I Poured Water Boiled in a Meaty Pot into a Milky Mug

Thursday January 7th, 2021
Halacha Time video

Having a Pet at Home

Tuesday January 5th, 2021
Halacha Time video

Personal Requests During the Amida

Tuesday December 22th, 2020
Halacha Time video

Can You Cook Cheese Pasta in a Meaty Pot ?

Monday December 14th, 2020
Halacha Time video

The Prohibition of Erasing On Shabbat

Friday December 11th, 2020
Halacha Time video

Lechem Mishnei with Frozen Challa

Wednesday December 9th, 2020
Halacha Time video

Am I Allowed to Throw Garbage on Shabbat?

Friday December 4th, 2020
Halacha Time video

The Prohibition of Mistreating Food

Wednesday December 2nd, 2020
Halacha Time video

Using a Peeler to Peel Cucumbers on Shabbat

Friday November 27th, 2020
Halacha Time video

Kosher Signs for Birds

Wednesday November 25th, 2020
Halacha Time video

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Candle Lighting Candle Lighting - New York

Friday October 25th, 2024 at 17:42 *
Shabbat ends at 18:41 *
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