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Rav Shlomo COHEN - Page 5
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Rav Shlomo COHEN

Rav Shlomo COHEN

Biography of Rav Shlomo COHEN

Dayan Shlomo Cohen was born and educated in London, and is currently living in Har Shmuel in Israel with his wife, children and grandchildren. After qualifying as an Accountant in England (ACA) he moved to Israel and studied at Yeshivat HaNegev. After marrying his wife Masha, received Semicha from Rabbi Yitschak Kolitz zt'l the Chief Rabbi of Jerusalem and subsequently qualified as a dayan after completing the exams of the Chief Rabbinate of Israel. Dayan Shlomo Cohen is the author of Pure Money volumes 1&2(Targum Press), a straightforward guide to Jewish business law, and his current activities include: serving as a dayan on the "Ahavat Shalom" Beit Din for monetary disputes in Jerusalem, Rabbi of the "Ahavat Yisrael" synagogue in Har Shmuel, Dean of the "Avne HaChoshen" Kollel for training dayanim in Har Shmuel, and lecturer on Halacha and Jewish business ethics at a number of Institutes for higher education including Holon Institute of Technology, Sammy Chimoon Institute of Technology, Neve Yerushalayim, Naaleh College (Florida University affiliated) and Midreshet Tehillah.

Classes List (167)

Washing Hands When Leaving a Cemetery

Thursday December 24th, 2020
Halacha Time video

The Blessing Over the 5 Types of Cereals

Sunday December 20th, 2020
Halacha Time video

My Child Is Transgressing Shabbat...What Should I Do?

Friday December 18th, 2020
Halacha Time video

Is One Allowed to Sell Non-Tzniut Clothes?

Wednesday December 16th, 2020
Halacha Time video

Saying Birkat Hamazon in a Car

Sunday December 13th, 2020
Halacha Time video

Laws of Derech Eretz When Eating

Thursday December 10th, 2020
Halacha Time video

Can I Pay a Government Official to Get Better Service?

Sunday December 6th, 2020
Halacha Time video

Which Bread Should I Prioritize to Do Motsi?

Thursday December 3th, 2020
Halacha Time video

If I Find a $100 Bill in the Street, Must I Give it to Charity?

Sunday November 29th, 2020
Halacha Time video

Where Should One Make the Final Bracha After Eating?

Thursday November 26th, 2020
Halacha Time video

Can One Recite Tehillim at Night?

Sunday November 22th, 2020
Halacha Time video

Saying Birkat Hamazon Quietly

Thursday November 19th, 2020
Halacha Time video

Reciting 100 Blessings a Day

Sunday November 15th, 2020
Halacha Time video

Who Fixes a Flat Tyre for a Borrowed Car?

Thursday July 18th, 2019
Halacha Time video

Saying Hashem's Name to Teach Children?

Wednesday July 10th, 2019
Halacha Time video

Is There A Problem of Ribit to Give an Bigger Donation to The Synagogue?

Wednesday June 26th, 2019
Halacha Time video

Walking in Front of a Woman Praying

Monday June 24th, 2019
Halacha Time video

I Forgot to Turn Off the Fridge Light Before Shabbat...

Friday June 21th, 2019
Halacha Time video

Calling Someone by a Degrading Nickname, Allowed?

Thursday June 20th, 2019
Halacha Time video

Ribit: Being Overdrawn And Paying Interests to The Bank

Wednesday June 19th, 2019
Halacha Time video

What are the qualities of a Jewish leader

Wednesday June 19th, 2019
Jewish Thinking video

The Differences Between Regular and Mehadrin Kosher Products

Tuesday June 18th, 2019
Halacha Time video

Saying G-d’s Name in English

Monday June 17th, 2019
Halacha Time video

In Our Times Does a Thief Pay Double as the Torah Says He Does?

Tuesday June 11th, 2019
Halacha Time video

Turning On or Off the Stove on Yom Tov

Friday June 7th, 2019
Halacha Time video

Why do we learn all night on Shavuot ?

Thursday June 6th, 2019
Halacha Time video

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Friday October 25th, 2024 at 17:42 *
Shabbat ends at 18:41 *
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