Educating Children
You Reap the Kids that You Sow
Campaign #3: You Reap the Kids that You Sow
How to Prepare our Children for Rosh Hashanah
As we approach Rosh Hashanah, we of course want to do Teshuva, so that we will find ourselves on Rosh Hashanah in front of the Master of the world having accumulated as...
Education-Action Leading to Love
We all know that when a man performs a mitzvah zealously, he is driven by an inner fire burning in his heart. A less well-known rule sustains that the opposite is also...
A Blessed Family: Sharing a Mother Between Eight Children
The happiness that prevails in large families needs regular emotional upkeep, and it is not easy. Mothers are physically exhausted by the work that it requires, but they...
Compliments, the Foundation of Education
Let us define what real Chinuch is. Some of you are surely becoming tense and waiting for the 45 lessons that will allow you to become great parents. So, let us...
Educate a Child According to His Path...and With Love!
It is written in Mishlei (Ecclesiastes 22,6): חנוך לנער על פי דרכו, meaning: "Educate each child according to his way".
3 Moments of Education in a Day
The ideal would be to transform our lives by training ourselves to have a good time with our children, and so on. Unfortunately, we do not always have the strength and...
New Study on the Harm of Television for Children
A study on the influence of television on children indicates that children with TVs in their rooms suffer from overweight and poor scholastic performance.
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Weekly Parsha
Candle Lighting - New York
Friday February 14th, 2025 at 17:12 *Shabbat ends at 18:13 *
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* Times given as an indication, check the times of your community