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Mussar - Jewish Ethics

Judging Others Favorably: Three Exceptional Stories

Judging Others Favorably: Three Exceptional Stories

The Torah-Box Team

Hashem gave us the Torah and the mitzvot so we could purify ourselves. The goal of this priceless gift is to enable us to improve and refine ourselves.

Sitting Down on a Bench Next to a Torah Book

Sitting Down on a Bench Next to a Torah Book

Halacha Time Class - Sunday February 7th, 2021 (length: 5 minutes) given by Rav Shlomo COHEN.

The Kotel:  Israel’s Spiritual Center

The Kotel: Israel’s Spiritual Center

The Torah-Box Team

According to our tradition, the Kotel (Western Wall) is an extension of the wall of the Temple Mount which encircled and protected the second Beit Hamikdash.

Story: The Supernatural Impact of Showing Solemnity in the Synagogue

Story: The Supernatural Impact of Showing Solemnity in the...

The Torah-Box Team

Bemikdashei Tirahu is an organization that raises public awareness of proper behavior in synagogue services by encouraging congregants to avoid chatting during prayers...

A Chanukiah Filled with Sacrifices

A Chanukiah Filled with Sacrifices

Chanuka - The Torah-Box Team

A Holocaust survivor who lost his family in a Nazi concentration camp decided to build a family of his own but chose to hide his Jewish identity from his children, who,...

Story: Hanukkah 5705 in the Extermination Camps

Story: Hanukkah 5705 in the Extermination Camps

The Torah-Box Team

During the Shoah, Israel's oppressors sought to exterminate the Jewish People.

The Secret of Teshuva: Having High Ambitions

The Secret of Teshuva: Having High Ambitions

Monday January 11th, 2021

One of the most extraordinary mitzvot of the Torah is that of the red cow, about which Shlomo Hamelech said, ''I would like to make myself master of wisdom! But it is...

Do Miracles Still Happen Nowadays?

Do Miracles Still Happen Nowadays?

What is the exact definition of a miracle? Where is the invisible dividing line that distinguishes a miracle from a normal occurrence?

Aya Kremerman on Her Teshuva: ''If Only You Knew…''

Aya Kremerman on Her Teshuva: ''If Only You Knew…''

Aya Kremerman, a former supermodel and Israeli TV presenter who did teshuva, has definitely given up rhinestones and spotlights to return her entire heart to her... Account

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Weekly Parsha


Candle Lighting Candle Lighting - New York

Friday November 1st, 2024 at 17:33 *
Shabbat ends at 18:33 *
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* Times given as an indication, check the times of your community
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