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Rav Shlomo COHEN
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Rav Shlomo COHEN

Rav Shlomo COHEN

Biography of Rav Shlomo COHEN

Dayan Shlomo Cohen was born and educated in London, and is currently living in Har Shmuel in Israel with his wife, children and grandchildren. After qualifying as an Accountant in England (ACA) he moved to Israel and studied at Yeshivat HaNegev. After marrying his wife Masha, received Semicha from Rabbi Yitschak Kolitz zt'l the Chief Rabbi of Jerusalem and subsequently qualified as a dayan after completing the exams of the Chief Rabbinate of Israel. Dayan Shlomo Cohen is the author of Pure Money volumes 1&2(Targum Press), a straightforward guide to Jewish business law, and his current activities include: serving as a dayan on the "Ahavat Shalom" Beit Din for monetary disputes in Jerusalem, Rabbi of the "Ahavat Yisrael" synagogue in Har Shmuel, Dean of the "Avne HaChoshen" Kollel for training dayanim in Har Shmuel, and lecturer on Halacha and Jewish business ethics at a number of Institutes for higher education including Holon Institute of Technology, Sammy Chimoon Institute of Technology, Neve Yerushalayim, Naaleh College (Florida University affiliated) and Midreshet Tehillah.

Classes List (167)

Can I Play Poker for Money?

Wednesday December 1st, 2021
Halacha Time video

Working on Chol HaMoed

Wednesday November 24th, 2021
Halacha Time video

Lulav: Weight and Measurements of the 4 Species

Friday November 19th, 2021
Halacha Time video

The Things to Know When Decorating the Sukkah

Thursday November 18th, 2021
Halacha Time video

Kaparot on the Eve of Yom Kippur

Sunday November 14th, 2021
Halacha Time video

The Shofar During the Amida of Rosh Hashanah

Friday November 5th, 2021
Halacha Time video

Organizing the Rosh Hashanah Seder

Tuesday November 2nd, 2021
Halacha Time video

Is One Allowed to Get Married During the Month of Elul?

Monday November 1st, 2021
Halacha Time video

How to Light Shabbat Candles Properly

Friday October 29th, 2021
Halacha Time video

The Prohibition to Travel to Egypt

Wednesday October 27th, 2021
Halacha Time video

Can I Open a Shoe Shop Next to An Existing One?

Sunday October 24th, 2021
Halacha Time video

Blessing a State's President

Tuesday October 19th, 2021
Halacha Time video

I Ordered a Taxi and Then a Friend Offered Me a Ride...

Sunday October 17th, 2021
Halacha Time video

Am I Allowed to Fold the Corner of a Page of a Book on Shabbat?

Friday October 15th, 2021
Halacha Time video

Standing for the Elderly

Wednesday October 13th, 2021
Halacha Time video

Learning in Yeshiva against my Parents' Will

Monday October 11th, 2021
Halacha Time video

Until When Can I Pray Mincha?

Thursday October 7th, 2021
Halacha Time video

Can One Learn Torah Alone, Without a Chavruta?

Monday October 4th, 2021
Halacha Time video

Shabbat: Adding Spices to a Hot Dish

Friday October 1st, 2021
Halacha Time video

How to Answer Amen

Sunday September 26th, 2021
Halacha Time video

Is a Woman Obligated to Cover Her Hair on Her Wedding?

Wednesday September 22th, 2021
Halacha Time video

Mixing Cold Milk and Meat Together

Monday September 20th, 2021
Halacha Time video

Tisha B’Av: Acquiring Values for the Whole Year

Sunday September 19th, 2021
Fast of the 9th of Av video

The Laws of Tisha B'Av

Thursday September 16th, 2021
Halacha Time video

Is One Allowed to Go to a Mixed Beach?

Sunday September 12th, 2021
Halacha Time video

Can One Make Havdalah with Tea?

Friday September 10th, 2021
Halacha Time video

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Candle Lighting Candle Lighting - New York

Friday October 25th, 2024 at 17:42 *
Shabbat ends at 18:41 *
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