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Jewish Thinking

Jewish Thinking

Free Will: Are Political Figures Directed by the Hand of Hashem?

Free Will: Are Political Figures Directed by the Hand of...

Monday March 29th, 2021

There’s an interesting question to raise: Do our leaders exercise free will?

Pirkei Avot or the Wisdom of Our Fathers

Pirkei Avot or the Wisdom of Our Fathers

Monday March 29th, 2021

The Pirkei Avot, literally translated as the "Maxims of the Fathers", expresses the wisdom of the Fathers of the Jewish nation, namely Avraham, Yitzchak, and Yaakov. The...

Prayer and Modesty: Two Weapons for Protecting the Home

Prayer and Modesty: Two Weapons for Protecting the Home

The Torah-Box Team

Many sorrowful and painful periods are inscribed in the chronicles of our People. Waves of bitter trials have crushed our People. More than once, we have been hurt and...

Be As Bold As the Leopard in Your Judaism!

Be As Bold As the Leopard in Your Judaism!

The Torah-Box Team

In Pirkei Avot (5, 20) it says: "Yehudah ben Tema says:" Be as bold as a leopard, as fast as an eagle, quick as deer, and strong as a lion to fulfill the will of your...

Is Torah a Therapy for Psychic Problems?

Is Torah a Therapy for Psychic Problems?

Rav Daniel SCEMAMA

Question from Elsa L.:Dear Rav Scemama,I would like to ask your advice.I must first confess that I am not observant (but I fast on Yom Kippur and I do not eat pork). In...

Chalom: What Is the Purpose of a Dream?

Chalom: What Is the Purpose of a Dream?

Monday March 22th, 2021

Question: What Is the Purpose of a Dream?

Superman, Christopher Reeve and...Pessach!

Superman, Christopher Reeve and...Pessach!

Sunday March 21th, 2021

 Millions of fans know him as the legendary "Iron Man", able to uproot cliffs and lift buildings. However, one day Christopher Reeve woke up and realized was unable...

Egypt: 210 Years of Slavery and a Divine Deliverance

Egypt: 210 Years of Slavery and a Divine Deliverance

Sunday March 21th, 2021

Seder night is here. I begin to read the Passover Haggadah with uncontained emotion.  I read the story of the Ten Plagues, blood, frogs, wild beasts, etc. Account

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Candle Lighting Candle Lighting - New York

Friday November 1st, 2024 at 17:33 *
Shabbat ends at 18:33 *
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