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Jewish Thinking

Jewish Thinking

The Infinite Kindness of Rabbi Ovadia Yosef

The Infinite Kindness of Rabbi Ovadia Yosef

The Torah-Box Team

The Torah prescribes that when a Jew notices an afflicted person, he must try to help him as much as is humanly possible. We learn from this that the Torah encourages a...

The Trials of Our Generation: Emunah and Forbidden Relations

The Trials of Our Generation: Emunah and Forbidden Relations

Rav Emmanuel BOUKOBZA

Our generation is usually described as pre-messianic. This era has something in common with the "Dor Deah", the generation that came out of Egypt.

A Great Miracle for a Small Man in the Village

A Great Miracle for a Small Man in the Village

The Torah-Box Team

Rabbi Yehoshua Leib Diskin served as Rav of the city of Lomza for a while. At that time, rumors of a miracle that happened in a nearby village to a simple and seriously...

Story of a Long, Awaited Return

Story of a Long, Awaited Return

Wednesday February 17th, 2021

The following story is a true story that was told to us by witnesses of the story.

Testimony: “The Vehicle Was Totally Smashed, but the Family Emerged Unharmed”

Testimony: “The Vehicle Was Totally Smashed, but the...

The Torah-Box Team

Nearly two months ago, Avishag R. (22 years old), living in the centre of Israel, travelled north to celebrate a joyful event with her family. She was accompanied by her...

Rav Lasry's Advice to Go Through Every Struggle with Happiness

Rav Lasry's Advice to Go Through Every Struggle with...

The Torah-Box Team

Rav Michael Lasry, one of the greatest names of the world of Teshuvah in Israel, strengthens the Jewish people with his powerful ideas about Emunah (trust in G-d) and...

Who Is a Hero? One Who Controls His Evil Inclination

Who Is a Hero? One Who Controls His Evil Inclination

Monday February 15th, 2021

It is not pleasant, not in the least. But every one of us can succumb to anger from time to time.

The Dalai-Lama told me: 'Return to Your Torah, it is the Source of Everything'

The Dalai-Lama told me: 'Return to Your Torah, it is the...

Sunday February 14th, 2021

I was born into a non-religious family. They were not only non-practising but real atheists. My family did not believe in anything, we did not even keep Yom Kippur, and... Account

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Ki Tavo

Candle Lighting Candle Lighting - New York

Friday September 20th, 2024 at 18:37 *
Shabbat ends at 19:35 *
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* Times given as an indication, check the times of your community

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