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Counting of the Omer

Counting of the Omer

Rav Sitruk: "The Omer, a skillful lesson on hope!"

Rav Sitruk: "The Omer, a skillful lesson on hope!"

The Torah-Box Team

The time that divides Pesach and Shavuot is commonly called the "Period of the Omer".

Sefirat HaOmer: The laws of counting of the Omer

Sefirat HaOmer: The laws of counting of the Omer

The Torah-Box Team

At the time of the temple, the Mitzvah of counting the Omer was commanded by the Torah, today due to our sins, it has become a commandment of our sages.

How Does One Count the Omer Wisely?

How Does One Count the Omer Wisely?

The Torah-Box Team

This is the story of two childhood friends, one intelligent and one foolish; they studied together during their childhood. Once they became adults, their paths...

Rav Sitruk: "Spiritual pressure during the Omer"

Rav Sitruk: "Spiritual pressure during the Omer"

Rav Yosef-Chaim Sitruk

Since the generation of the Geonim, this period of the Hebrew Calendar is a moment of mourning caused by the loss of the 24 000 students of the famous Rabbi Akiva, which...

Every Day Counts

Every Day Counts

Rav Yosef-Chaim Sitruk

We are currently in the middle of counting the 'Omer ... these famous 49 days which prepare us to receive the Torah, on Shavuot.

Getting Married During the Omer: An Extraordinary Psak Din

Getting Married During the Omer: An Extraordinary Psak Din

Torah World - The Torah-Box Team

An unusual situation, exceptional reaction.

Emor: Why Do We Count The Omer?

Emor: Why Do We Count The Omer?

3-minute video class given by Rabbi Benzion SHAFIER.

Sefirat HaOmer : Laws of Counting The Omer

Sefirat HaOmer : Laws of Counting The Omer

The Torah-Box Team

In the days of the Holy Temple, the Mitzvah of counting the Omer was a Torah commandment, but nowadays – because of our faults – it is only a Rabbinic... Account

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