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Torah & Science

The Dandilion: a Divine Flower

Published on Sunday August 22th, 2021

Let us try to focus on the flower called the "Dandelion", which grows in our gardens. At this stage of our study, we will not go into detail about the extraordinary and complex process of the plant's evolution, the stage of photosynthesis, the fabulous and complex structure of the plants composition, and the many steps necessary to maintain the plant.

Let us pay attention to the extraordinary symmetry of the plant’s petals and leaves. Let us look at the design of the stem and its harmony with the leaves. The stem perfectly transports water and minerals from the ground necessary for the development of the flower and its leaves. Let us look at the way the roots provide essential elements to the plant. This is a very complex operation and includes a complex planning of the chemical, structural and organizational process of this plant.

The different agents, all part of the plant's development, work together to achieve a perfect plant. Let us now observe the nectar and the pollen which are strategically located at the centre of the plant, in order to attract the bee. The bee needs the nectar, and the plant needs the bee. The bee forages the plant to collect the nectar, and the pollen it carries on its body and legs gets deposited onto the plant allowing it to grow. Slowly but surely, the pollen gets deposited onto the bee and is transported by the bee to another place. This work is mainly done by the hairy legs of the bee, built like toothbrushes, which contain pollen.

            The next step is the sprouting of the buds. When the bud opens, it looks like a kind of crushed stuffed animal. Who could imagine that this stuffed animal could give birth to a squadron of "parachutists" able to act immediately? Each of the ''parachuted'' seeds is composed of about 30 fine and soft hairs, and through a sophisticated method each seed develops independently. Thus, each parachute is ready to be sent in any direction. When the dandelion matures, that is to say as it begins to flower, the stem is particularly small and sometimes reaches the same height as the grass.

            The parachuted seed will not be put into action until it reaches the stage of maturity because a seed that is not mature will never be able to germinate. Once matured, the seed is released in a precise manner. The seed is secured in order to prevent it from falling close to the plant rather than being transported to another location. At the same time however, the seed is only lightly secured in order to allow the wind to carry it away easily.

Once the seed takes flight, it can sometimes land several kilometres from its starting point. Like all seeds, the seed is wrapped in a solid hull, which protects it from all weather conditions until it reaches the ground. Once the seed lands on earth, it opens, and then begins an extraordinary process where a small root emerges from one side of the earth and a small stem comes out from the other end in the direction of the sun. No matter where the seed falls; the root will always be facing down and the stem facing up. The nectar would be useless if the bee could not bring it to the hive. This is why the bee is equipped with a pocket to collect the nectar. The nectar is a light matter that evaporates quickly and it is not possible to store it. The bee therefore has in its body a kind of 'factory' able to produce enzymes that when injected into the nectar congeal it into honey. Now, the honey must be stored to protect it. The bee must also have a comfortable place to raise her children. For this purpose, she is equipped with an additional ''laboratory'' that is able to create wax. This wax will be used as a base to prepare a comfortable larvae bed.

Many animals are fond of this honey, which is why the bee has a very sharp dart to repel intruders trying to enter the hive. Its body can also produce poison to sting its enemies. Once it sends out it sting, it is then no longer possible to recover it. It loses part of its body at the same time as the sting, which is why it can sting only once in its life. This is not the case however for the queen bee, who has an infinite amount of darts.

Let us now see the consequences of this difference between the bee and the queen bee. Without the possibility of renewing the sting, the queen could not fulfil her function, and without this sting, the bees could not protect their hive from intruders. Without honey and wax, bees could not survive. Without enzymes, the honey could not coagulate, and without the pocket in the bee's body, the bee would not be able to carry the honey. Without the nectar of the flower, the bee would not approach the flower and the flower could not develop. Without the parachute, the seed could not fly away and be replanted anywhere. If the seed was strongly secured, the parachute could not carry it with the help of the wind to anchor itself in the ground.

Each of these things are essential in order to reach the final goal. If even one was missing, the process would be a failure. Let us think about the process that requires no less than a hundred of the most extraordinary elements. And each element consists of several parts. It's an infinite sequence of links connected to each other from beginning to end. Think about it, we have spoken so far of only one flower! And there are multitudes of flowers that fill our gardens.

After having observed this extreme intelligence which is revealed at each stage and in every element of the flower and the bee, can we still speak of coincidence? Can much more complex systems and formations be described as accidental? Each system is dependent on other systems. Observe and see who created this whole universe!

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