Mitzvot in Action
Choosing One’s Lulav for Sukkot
On Sukkot, we have the mitzvah of taking 4 species, including a Lulav (a date tree branch),an Etrog (lemon), 3 Hadassim (myrtle branches) and 2 aravot (willow...
Rising Up in the Morning
The first laws of the Shulchan Aruch, the guide of Jewish law, pertain to the process a Jew must abide to upon arising in the morning. It is written, among other things,...
Selling and Searching for Chametz
After cleaning the house, car, and office, we need to carefully check by candlelight to make sure there is no chametz left. Chametz is any food made out of wheat,...
How to affix a mezuzah?
Every Jew has the obligation to hang a mezuzah on every doorwayof his house. A mezuzah is a rolled parchment containing Torah passages, including the Shema Yisrael and...
How Does One Make Kiddush?
Every Friday night, one has the obligation of reciting Kiddush, a text instituted by our Sages which mentions the Creation of the World. By doing so, we testify that the...
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Weekly Parsha
Candle Lighting - New York
Friday February 14th, 2025 at 17:12 *Shabbat ends at 18:13 *
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* Times given as an indication, check the times of your community