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Our Moral Rights Over the Land of Israel

Published on Tuesday August 3th, 2021

The people of Israel are leading a long war against their neighbors, and not just on the battlefield. This war is also being waged with other nations’ battles of influence on the legitimacy of our camp.

The tools used by the State of Israel against the Arabs in this war have proven to be outdated over time. Perhaps they were convincing during the War of Independence. At that time, the Arab people were cowardly and timid, quickly bowing to anyone who felt their cold blood. Let us remember that the Arabs fled the battlefield by the thousands, barefoot, leaving behind their shoes in the desert sun.
Their fear of the night was a laughing matter. They never fought when darkness fell. For the Jewish fighters however, night was their best friend. But this was a long time ago...
Today, Arabs are fighting for their religion. It is a holy war to them, and they are now fighting in a different way. They do not fear neither the night, nor the hard fights. On the contrary, they rejoice. Death has no deterrent effect on them; on the contrary, it fuels their desire to become "Shachidim", martyrs who gave their lives for their faith. In this war of beliefs, modern weapons have lost their effectiveness. With simple stones in their hands, the Arabs manage to immobilize tanks.
In such a conflict, one must demonstrate a committed spirituality, a strong devotion and a very strong faith. These are the elements that will determine the outcome. The Arabs are not blind, they take note of the State of Israel's attitude towards Judaism. They see it and rejoice from it.
In the past, the Arabs were afraid of the Jews. They knew very well that the Jews are the descendants of a great lady, and that they were shaped by her. They knew that their religion consisted of bits and pieces of Judaism's leftovers. It is not for nothing that they call the Jews "Al Kitav", the people of the book. They know that our Torah is true, and that the time had come for "Its children to return home."
Seeing the people of Israel come home, the Arabs were terrified. They fought without believing, and they dropped their weapons as soon as they saw fit. The War of Independence gave the Arabs the feeling that the Jewish people were taking possession of their land and their homeland, and that they themselves had no part in it.

As the country's political establishment attempts to disconnect the State of Israel from the observance of its Torah, especially in recent years, combined with the recognition of the rights of the Arabs over Israel and in part of the holy places, the Arabs have opened their eyes.
If the Jewish people do not assume their rights, if they do not respect their religion and heritage, then they cannot claim their right to the land. As the Israeli government does not require them to do so, Arabs can easily claim their religion to annex all holy places. They are not afraid to fight against the infidels. The paradise of the Muslims, "destined" for those who have fallen in the war against the infidels, is open to them. Faced with these fighters, Israel has currently no answer.
The Zionist leaders were proud to say that the Jewish people would return to their state the "normal way", similar to that of the other nations. Dozens of people had begun to gain independence after the First World War. So it seemed like the world would recognize our independence as well, free from the weight of exile. We reached out to the Third World and developing countries, as well as to the Arabs with whom we wanted to establish a creative human society in the Middle East.
But the situation on the ground was completely different from what they had imagined. The big mistake was that the political version of Zionism was based on the concept of a "nation in itself", which is an abnormal concept for the Jewish people. In fact, it is a "natural" concept, hence the unfortunate confusion…
We do not have a family. Wherever we are, we are isolated. All over the world, we are welcomed honorably, but we are not part of the family. The situation of our state is comparable to that of the Jews of the diaspora. Sometimes the Jewish diaspora is valued for its money and success, but is not accepted in the local community. This can also be noticed in the international scene. If, unfortunately, the State of Israel disappears, God forbid, no people would have the feeling of having lost a member of their family.

No other people in the world needs to remain as vigilant in peacetime as they are in time of war. How does one feel safe when surrounded by hundreds of millions of enemies?
No other people depends so much on the existence of its members beyond its borders, while they in turn also depend on its existence.
We have no intention of finding an answer that satisfies the descendants of Yishmael, who understand nothing more than the language of weapons. But we claim something else: to answer ourselves, to put into perspective our right to this land.
We believe with certainty that the Creator revealed himself to Avraham and promised "to your descendants this land" (Genesis 12,7). Our right on this land derives therefore directly from the Torah.
Without this, how can we understand the exodus of the Hebrew people straight to Israel on their way out of Egypt? Could not God find a piece of land without an enemy? Why not guide them to Europe, which was largely under-populated at that time? Was it not suited to the Jewish people one may ask?
It is worth recalling a historical episode. This happened after the publication of the Balfour Declaration. A member of the British Parliament presented a petition to the House concerning Balfour's moral and constitutional argument. According to this official, the British government had acted contrary to its usual policy. Traditionally, the British Crown made sure to give political independence to the ethnic group that made up the majority of the inhabitants of a colony. However, on this occasion, they would act differently. It had given precedence over the land of Israel to the Jewish people, which at the beginning of the last century represented only a minority of the inhabitants of the country.
In the official response to this petition, Lord Balfour pointed out that the law on the land of Israel is different than the widespread rule according to which the territories of the countries belong to the peoples who live there. In reality, it is the Holy Land, and had already been offered to the Jewish people thousands of years ago, no matter where they are.
Lord Balfour stated that the Jewish situation was unique. The issues regarding its nation, its religion, and its country are permanently intertwined with each other, which is is unheard of among all other peoples. Millions of Jews can legitimately claim this right offered to them by Gd, and they are far more numerous than members of any other religion who had lived in Israel for all these years!
In his book "Battalion Scroll," Colonel PM Scott wro: "A great honor has been bestowed to England: we have relied on a page of the Bible engraved with an ancient prophecy and we have added the guarantee of the English people to the promise made by G-d. With a "signature" of this nature, there is no nation that can deny it. The constitutional, ideological and moral foundations of the Jewish state that would be laid decades later would make very strong mention of this reference to the divine obligation uniting the people of Israel on the Land of Israel according to the Torah of Israel.
To understand how deep the roots are between the Land of Israel and its children, let us mention two facts that prove its connection: all these millions of Jews, who despite their prolonged remoteness from their homeland for thousands of years, aspired to Zion every day and every hour of their lives. And especially those thousands of Jews who risked their lives by crossing rivers and seas aboard dilapidated ships, just so their souls could come and breathe the air of that holy land. Is this not proof of a supreme Jewish devotion in every sense of the word?
Let us also mention the relations of the land of Israel towards its children. As of their exile thousands of years ago, until their return, the Land of Israel remained desolate. There is no more reliable, clearer evidence of the loyalty of this land to its exiled children scattered all over the world.
Let us be aware of this historical phenomenon, devoid of any rational or logical explanation. Throughout human history, this land was an important crossroads connecting three continents. This fact should have made it an inhabited and developed area.
During these long years of exile, in Europe the metropolises of Paris, London, Amsterdam and Barcelona were being built. The center gradually moved and Land of Israel, and Jerusalem, the City of G-d in particular, had seen its radiance weaken drastically and remained depressed in desolation for nearly 2000 years.
Who can explain this unprecedented phenomenon without resorting to the particular bond that unites the Land of Israel to its people? No one in good faith can deny this eternal truth. The slogan "The Land of Israel to the people of Israel, according to the Torah of Israel" is the backbone, soul and teaching of the ancient Jewish faith.

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