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Internet for an Observant Jew: Do the Risks Transgress Halacha?

Internet for an Observant Jew: Do the Risks Transgress...

Tuesday October 26th, 2021

Broken marriages, educational issues, immodest images, laziness with regards to Torah and Mitzvot... Internet is an unavoidable tool through which the observant Jew...

List of Miracles in Israel: A Light Hidden in the Dark

List of Miracles in Israel: A Light Hidden in the Dark

Wednesday October 13th, 2021

The security situation in Israel is not particularly stable, to say the least. The economic situation is not brilliant either. The Jews are hated by the world, and in...

Bruriah, A Female Heroine in the Talmud

Bruriah, A Female Heroine in the Talmud

Myriam H.

In the history of the Talmud, the wisdom of men is put forward. There were judges who knew how to decide, leaders who knew how to guide, priests who knew how to...

"Are Charedim Parasites?" Answer to a Reader...

"Are Charedim Parasites?" Answer to a Reader...

Sunday October 10th, 2021

Following an article from Rabbi Sitruk on the theme of parnassah which explained the way to obtain good sustenance was above all spirituality, emunah and Torah study ......

Twin sisters married to twin brothers give birth to two baby girls 20 minutes apart!

Twin sisters married to twin brothers give birth to two...

Wednesday October 6th, 2021

This had never been heard of before, simply because this exceptional phenomenon had never occurred anywhere in the world: female twins - born 20 minutes apart - married...

Yael: the courage of a woman with delicacy

Yael: the courage of a woman with delicacy

Simcha G

At the time of the Judges (Shoftim 4: 1-24), the Jewish people were in the hands of the Canaanites who oppressed the Jewish people. The General of their Army, Sisera,...

Seminary for Girls: A Brilliant Invention

Seminary for Girls: A Brilliant Invention

Rav Emmanuel BOUKOBZA

Everyone knows about the concept of Yeshiva, a concept that goes back thousands of years and regularly renewed by the greatest masters of Judaism, especially in modern...

Mazal Tov! In your arms Is a Soft Blue Package!

Mazal Tov! In your arms Is a Soft Blue Package!


Dear mother,Mazal Tov! Mazal tov! You are holding a soft blue package in your arms! A precious neshama with an enormous potential: your little boy has the strength to... Account

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Candle Lighting Candle Lighting - New York

Friday February 14th, 2025 at 17:12 *
Shabbat ends at 18:13 *
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* Times given as an indication, check the times of your community

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