A Soldier Saves a Mother and Her Three Children from an...
A special operation on behalf of the organization "Yad L'achim" was carried out recently: the rescue of a Jewish mother and her three children. This was an ending for a...
New Study on the Harm of Television for Children
A study on the influence of television on children indicates that children with TVs in their rooms suffer from overweight and poor scholastic performance.
Kiddush Hashem- He Gave Back 130,000 Shekels to Its Owner…
A few days ago, an irreligious journalist published a moving article in which he wrote that a young man returned to him a very large sum of money. The man reported that...
The Last Words of Steve Jobs: Lesson of Mussar
Steve Jobs was one of the greatest entrepreneurs of the 21st century, most remarkably inventing the famous Apple company. He died in 2011 from cancer. These were his...
Bill Gates: Anything May Be Purchased, Except the Shabbat...
Kawey Bernhard, a Torah observant Jew from South Africa is the author of a bestseller, which explains how to apply certain attributes of the tiger world to achieve...
A Mezuzah of Disproportionate Dimensions
You may have noticed a mezuzah of disproportionate dimensions, located at Terminal 3 of Ben Gurion Airport in Tel Aviv. It welcomes travelers upon arrival to the Holy...
Rav Lavi- Stabbed to Death: An Exceptional Tzaddik
Hashem never makes mistakes, He always takes back the best. Shortly after the tragic announcement of the death of Rav Nechemia Lavi, who attempted to save Jews from an...
Don't Look Any Further: Anti-Semitism Makes No Sense
Confusion was noticeable when radio presenter promptly claimed: “Suppose that the Muslim world hates us. However, how is it possible to understand the hatred... Account
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Weekly Parsha
Candle Lighting - New York
Friday September 20th, 2024 at 18:37 *Shabbat ends at 19:35 *
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* Times given as an indication, check the times of your community