Voting the Seven Wonders of the World: We Elect the Third Beit Hamikdash
The Swiss foundation "New7Wonders" has released the provisional results of a worldwide vote (on the Internet) to elect the "7 wonders of nature". Among them are the Amazon rainforest, Halong Bay (Vietnam) and the Iguazu Falls (Brazil).
This personal initiative, led by Canadian aviator Bernard Weber, has nothing to do with the UNESCO World Heritage List. The vote, subject to payment, makes it possible to earn funds partially intended for the restoration of these old sites.
This operation is based on the principle of the 7 wonders of the ancient world, a list established by the philosopher of Byzantium, in the 3rd Century, including the famous pyramid of Cheops (the only one still existing).
However, this ancient list lacks a wonder, which the Talmud (Treaty Sukkah, page 51b) describes as the greatest wonder: "He who did not see Jerusalem in its splendor did not see a beautiful metropolis.' He who did not see the Temple never saw a beautiful building... The building built by Herod was adorned externally with rows of blue marble and white marble. He wanted to cover it with gold but the Sages told him; ''it is better to leave it so that (from afar) it gives the impression of the waves of the sea!”
So, is it an omission, or was this list established before the beautiful work done by Herod?
Whatever the case, the 3rd Temple, (which we look forward to seeing built,) will undoubtedly also be beautiful and then it will find its place among the wonders of the world!
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Candle Lighting - New York
Friday September 20th, 2024 at 18:37 *Shabbat ends at 19:35 *
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