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Jewish Ethics and Learning

Jewish Ethics and Learning


Why Is A Difficulty Called Nissayon in Hebrew?

Why Is A Difficulty Called Nissayon in Hebrew?

Mussar - Rav Yossef-'Haï ABERGEL

We have seen that trials are nothing more than a sign of G-d's love. Let us now try to develop some methods of reflection in order to measure ourselves against the...

Concrete Methods to Study Mussar

Concrete Methods to Study Mussar

Here are some concrete methods to effectively study Mussar:

An Unconscious Mother of A Newborn Wakes Up, Just As Rav Kanievsky Promised

An Unconscious Mother of A Newborn Wakes Up, Just As Rav...

An incredible miracle concerning a woman in labor who miraculously woke up after losing consciousness during childbirth was published a few months ago in the newspaper...

Our Sages

Hillula of the Chatam Sofer!

Hillula of the Chatam Sofer!

On the occasion of the Hiloula (anniversary of passing), tonight, of our master Rabbi Moses Sofer, the Torah-Box team is delighted to offer you a very brief insight of...

Hilula of Rabbi Yitzchak Levi of Berditchev

Hilula of Rabbi Yitzchak Levi of Berditchev

On the occasion of the Hilula (anniversary of passing) of our teacher Rabbi Levi Yitzchak of Berditchev, the Torah-Box team is happy to present you with a brief account...

In Elul, the Chofetz Chaim Would Speak to Us for Three Minutes…

In Elul, the Chofetz Chaim Would Speak to Us for Three...

The famous Rav Yaakov Galinsky, related the words of a man who learned at the Yeshiva of Radin, under the giant in Torah, the Chofetz Chaim:


A Moving Story: The Torah or Thailand?

A Moving Story: The Torah or Thailand?

Teshuva - Rav Its'hak FANGER

When, after years of doubt, effort and perseverance, there is a sincere and constructive Teshuva, we want to share it with other members of the family. But how should we...

"My Name Is Golan, I Am 18 Years Old and I Have a Story to Share"

"My Name Is Golan, I Am 18 Years Old and I Have a Story to...

Teshuva - Rav Emmanuel MIMRAN

My name is Golan. I am eighteen years old and I have a story to share with you.

Open a Door as Tiny as the Eye of a Needle

Open a Door as Tiny as the Eye of a Needle

Our sages interpret a passage from Midrash Rabbah on the Song of Songs (5.3): "Open to me my sister, my bride", as "open a door as tiny as the eye of a needle and I will...

Torah Learning

Our Rabbanim, the Most Reliable Source of Truth

Our Rabbanim, the Most Reliable Source of Truth

Receiving the Torah is a vast program in which work is required on oneself, especially on a large number of character traits such as fear, modesty or anger.

Torah Study? More Precious Than Heaps of Gold

Torah Study? More Precious Than Heaps of Gold

This is the story of a Talmid Chacham (scholar) who was traveling by boat. In this boat, there were also rich traders who carried expensive goods with them. Only an...

The Professor from the Paris-Sorbonne's Remark

The Professor from the Paris-Sorbonne's Remark

Torah Learning - Koby LEVY

Shlomo Moshe, a friendly young man, had come from Morocco to Israel with the fervent desire to become a Torah scholar. This era - the 1950s - was that of the early days...

Messianic Times

Tzfat: The Quarrel that Delayed the Coming of Mashiach

Tzfat: The Quarrel that Delayed the Coming of Mashiach

The Arizal (Rav Yitzchak Luria Ashkenazi), the most outstanding Kabbalist of all time, lived in a cloister of houses encircling a courtyard in the holy city of Tzfat....

Amanda Todd's Suicide: Humanity Has Reached Rock Bottom

Amanda Todd's Suicide: Humanity Has Reached Rock Bottom

It’s something of a cliché that, following a disaster of sufficiently large scale, people of various faiths start declaring it the end of days. 9/11? The...

Torah & Science

Fauna and Flora: Who Created These Billions of Coincidences?

Fauna and Flora: Who Created These Billions of Coincidences?

The fur of the Arctic hare is white in the winter; and its colour is therefore camouflaged with the snow. In the summer, its fur is brown, and it becomes invisible on a...

Darwin and the Carnivorous Plant

Darwin and the Carnivorous Plant

 It is said that when Darwin observed a carnivorous plant trapping flies, he was very surprised. But in truth, there is nothing surprising about that. At the end of...

The Dandilion: a Divine Flower

The Dandilion: a Divine Flower

Let us try to focus on the flower called the "Dandelion", which grows in our gardens. At this stage of our study, we will not go into detail about the extraordinary and...

Speech Laws

The Sword in the Tongue

The Sword in the Tongue

Speech Laws - Rebbetzin Esther JUNGREIS

There is a terrible ordeal from which many of our people suffer. In the Torah, such an affliction is called onas devarim – verbal abuse. While we are all familiar...

Beit Hamikdash

What Is the Importance of a Beit Hamikdash (Temple)?

What Is the Importance of a Beit Hamikdash (Temple)?

Beit Hamikdash - Rav Yaakov Israel LUGASSY

Question: What is the benefit of a Temple if we have the Torah and the Mitzvot that direct us?

Jewish Thinking

A cat gets free meals but lives in a dumpster

A cat gets free meals but lives in a dumpster

Rav David Hekcher, one of the directors of the prestigious Yeshiva Kol Torah in Jerusalem, was walking down the street with a group of students one day, discussing the...

Yom Kippur: Ete Shaarei Ratson

Yom Kippur: Ete Shaarei Ratson

At a time period where the doors of goodwill open, we wish you a year full of happiness, joy and bliss!

Stories and Men: A Well-Kept Wealth

Stories and Men: A Well-Kept Wealth

In the wave of quarrels and disputes that we are witnessing, the story I am about to tell act as a healing balm for us.I would first like to say a few words about my job.


3 Steps to Attaining Free Love

3 Steps to Attaining Free Love

Middot - Rabbanite KOLODETSKI

Rebbetzin Kolodetsky follows the path of her mother Rebbetzin Batsheva Kanievsky, of blessed memory, caring for thousands of women spiritually, morally and physically.

Only a Former Sinner Can Become Humble

Only a Former Sinner Can Become Humble

We live in a time when even the "humblest" among us maintains a blog, a Twitter account, a website, or any other outlet to make his voice heard, express his thoughts and...

I Am Lacking Emotion and Vitality in My Judaism

I Am Lacking Emotion and Vitality in My Judaism

One of the necessary elements in the Divine Service is to learn to use one of the means that Hashem has put at our disposal; that of emotion/feelings. For example, how...


A Jewish Woman: Enveloped Like a Sefer Torah

A Jewish Woman: Enveloped Like a Sefer Torah

Tzniut - Myriam H.

Today's society only values a woman's external appearance, thus causing her to concentrate on her exterior facade and overlook her internal value.  In the 21st...

Jewish History

Story: The Meal Swapped on the Plane

Story: The Meal Swapped on the Plane

Jewish History - Rav Emmanuel MIMRAN

A Rosh Yeshiva recounts the following story: I was once on the plane and I had just received my meal, and I had opened the wrapper, whereupon I had a pressing need. I...

Story: On Board the Titanic

Story: On Board the Titanic

Jewish History - The Torah-Box Team

In 1910, Sam Aks, a native of Poland, emigrated to England where he married Leah Rosen. After their marriage, they lived in London for a while and then they decided to...

Tanakh Characters - David and Michal: Modesty Versus Hashem’s Honor

Tanakh Characters - David and Michal: Modesty Versus...

Torah Learning - The Torah-Box Team

One of the most fascinating encounters in the Book of Shmuel transpires between King David and his wife Michal, daughter of King Saul.

Money & Business

Time Out at Work: Do I Have to Tell My Boss?

Time Out at Work: Do I Have to Tell My Boss?

Question: I am a salesman in a store. When no client is present, I play crossword to pass time. Do I have to tell my boss?

Rav Kanievsky’s Story: “The Soul of Your Borrower Reincarnated in a Donkey”

Rav Kanievsky’s Story: “The Soul of Your Borrower...

Mussar - The Torah-Box Team

Rav Chaim Kanievsky recommends that money lenders never keep unpaid loan documents handy.

Beth Din–Can a First Born Relinquish his Inheritance Rights?

Beth Din–Can a First Born Relinquish his Inheritance...

Money & Business - Rav Reouven COHEN

Here is a concrete legal case handled by the rabbinical courts. We have chosen this example to help you learn, ponder upon and gradually assimilate "Daat Torah", so your... Account

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Weekly Parsha


Candle Lighting Candle Lighting - New York

Friday October 25th, 2024 at 17:42 *
Shabbat ends at 18:41 *
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* Times given as an indication, check the times of your community

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